This is about Friendship
There are five of us
We love each other (in a friendly way)
We're close to each other
We care about each other
Let's stay that way =)
Here are the five:
There are five of us
We love each other (in a friendly way)
We're close to each other
We care about each other
Let's stay that way =)
Here are the five:
My batchmate at School
My debate Captain
He's cool
He's fun
He knows how to Smile
Currently having a problem with him
Hope it will be solve soon
My 'twin' sister
Meet her during Form 2
Very Cautious about her appearance
She's hyper
She's funny
She's fun
Currently always talking crap with her
She's the best

Nadhirah Jamaluddin
My Birthdaymate
Meet her during form 3
She's like a malay poet
She gives alot of good advice
Insomia and lazy to eat
Currently calling her at night if Im bored
The best birthdaymate ever

Azalia Zaharuddin
My Bestie
My Hero
Meet her through friendster in form 2
She's the closes person to me
She knows me inside out
A person i've been through alot with
She's adorable
She's hyper active
She's poetic and creative
She loves to sing
Currently spending alot of time with her
I want it to stay that way

I love all of you
Thanks for every bits of memory
Stay us =)