Friday, January 25, 2013

My Birthday is just another day

Today is 25th January 2013
Today is my 21st Birthday
Today I am older by one year
Today is the day I'm suppose to be happy
But today feels like any other day

Usually, our birthday is a day that we will all look forward to. Why wouldn't we? We will be a year older. We get to live to see another day (Alhamdulillah). We get to celebrate a special day in which in that one day, we are special. Our friends wishing us Happy Birthday and do anything to cheer us up. Give us birthday gifts. Throw a surprise birthday party and such. Truly a great day that we look forward to every year.

Despite all that, today just feels like any other day. In fact, it feels much more boring compared to other days. So, this is how I spent my day;

  1. Woke up at 12.30 p.m.
  2. Went to friday prayers at noon
  3. Replied birthday wishes at Facebook, twitter and whatsapp
  4. Stayed in front of my computer the whole day
  5. Took care of my nephew in between
And that is all. Seriously, that is all. Nothing else. My parents are not even around. They're in Perak now, settling things for my sister's new house. So I'm at home, with my sister. nephew and 2nd brother. The 1st bro went back to his parent in law house with the wife. Nothing to do. In fact, got a big headache now. Feel like vomiting too. Lovely. I don't know why

Anyways, I have to be honest, deep inside, of cause I've always look forward for my birthday. But sometimes I wish I didn't look forward. Because I put up some expectation and in the end, it was just crushed. I too wanna feel special for the day. But let's face it, I don't...
  1. Have a birthday party
  2. Get any birthday present
  3. Have any celebration
  4. Get any special birthday wish
  5. Have something special made for me. Like a video or something
Nothing. absolutely nothing. Yes, it's depressing. What's more depressing is that most of my birthdays are like this. But I have to say, I have no one else to blame but myself for all this. See, when it comes to celebration, there must be other people to celebrate with. Even I don't want to have a party for myself and by myself, that's just... Dumb? If you have good and close friends, for sure your birthday will be awesome. Because they'll make sure that you enjoy your special day. Because they're happy that you're happy.

For me, I don't think I have those kinda of friends. Nobody will trouble themselves to set up a surprise for me. Nobody will get me a gift. Nobody really want to celebrate this day. But of cause I'm grateful that some people took some time to wish me for my birthday. Thanks Guys. But yeah, I don't have those close friends. I don't have a best friend from Primary school. I don't have a best friend from High School. I don't have a best friend from College too. Heck, I can't even think of anyone who I can say is very close with me. Yes, I do have friends that I care about and I know they care about me. I'm close to them, they're close to me. But I got this feeling that I don't have a very close friend. What I mean is like, I don't have what Joey and Chandler (Friends) or Ted and Marshall (How I met your mother) have. I don't have a group of best friends nor a best friend.

It's my fault really. I'm not the type who hangs out. I usually carry a negative aura where people think that I'm not friendly (I actually am) and I tend to just ignore it. I don't take much effort to make friends I guess. And now I'm feeling the setback. 

And the worse part is, I'm used to all this. Of cause I feel sad once in awhile, but I'm used to it, hence the reason why I don't do much to fix things. To make it even worse, I consciously realize that I'm used to this. I let myself go through all this, even though I don't like it, even though I could have make things better. Why oh why I do this to myself. 

I have some friends who share the same birthday as me and oh, I can see how much they're enjoying this day. Good for them. Heh... Jealousy oh Jealousy. The point is, it's my birthday but it's just another day.

This is my first post after a few months and it's a depressing one. Oh well, I do tend to share more depressing stuff about my life in this Blog. Because I don't think people read it, but I just want to share it. And I know some people might think 'Why the hell is this dude so depressed. Chill la. Go live your life'. If there are those who says that, I would respond by saying 'Fuck You'. This is my life. The things I share are nonfiction. It's up to me. And what is wrong about sadness? It's a feeling. It's our nature. I'm just embracing it.

But whatever it is, I'm 21 now. I'm suppose to be a matured individual (Because I'm allowed to vote now. haha) I'm an uncle too. So I got responsibilities and things that I should focus on. May Allah grant me strength to do all of those things

Well, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. And hopefully I'll post things on my blog regularly and with contents which are positive.

I too wish for a memorable Birthday
One day, InsyaAllah 


Anonymous said...

I googled this because this is exactly how I felt on my birthday. However I never got even one birthday wish aside from my close family. As you said, it's life for some people, you get used to it. Keep your chin up though, your birthday is just another day, it's only society that glorifies it, you should be happy you're alive everyday!

HyperiĆ£o said...

I too googled and got here. I'm 21 tomorrow, July 24th. I expect just another another day. A small party with my family and some facebook happy birthday wishes and text messages. Honestly, I feel exactly like you about friendships. I have about 3 or 4 friends I really get along, and have many acquaintances or "friends". But I also have the feeling I don't have THE friend. I felt I had one of those for a short time, but people also disappoint you. Even other close friends always come and go. I just hope I develop strong friendships know that I'm in college so that at least a few remain after it.

I guess I'm also waiting for someone just perfect for me to show up... And that can also be extrapolated to my love life, for some years nonexistent.

Anyway... I guess this business of real friendships and birthday parties is very overrated as well, so, who cares? :)


Heather said...

I googled this because today is my bday, and I'm spending it exactly the way you spent yours. Except I'm alone don't even have anyone else here with me. It's funny, I could describe myself the exact same way that you described yourself. Isince our beats are a day apart, it must be the Aquarius in us.

I hope your bday tomorrow goes better than last year, and than mine did today.

Heather said...

I meant "since our birthdays" not isince our beats. Smh

Unknown said...

i googled "my birthday is just another day"nd tz bought me hear...time:-12:47 june 15... woahh i didnt thght sm1 actually felt the way i did.. im 17 now... i expected my phone flooded wd calls.. my face wd hell lot of cake..but no.. im depressed none ofthese happend.. i shld hv knwn.. cz thy nvr hppn.. not evn my brothr wishd me.. he is just beside my room bt neither he did.. this feels so shity man.. i wish i could jz skip tnis day

Hipsterkingdom said...

Well hello hello. I guess I'll hop on the bandwagon too. I also googled this. Today I turn 20 and it just feels like another day to me. I have no one to celebrate it with but my lonesome. But hey I got my dogs to celebrate it with.

Hipsterkingdom said...
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Hipsterkingdom said...

Hapoy belated birthday to you all btw. Hope it still counts if it's a few months or even years off.

Anonymous said...

happy 26th birthday to you

Anonymous said...

I turn 26 next week and I'm just not feeling it. Idk why should I plan a party to spend money on and have people barely show up. I've been asked what do I want and I mean theres nothing I want I dont want to do Christmas either tbh. Well I thought it was just me, but I googled and other people also feel this way. I'll maybe have some wine and play video games with my husband.