Monday, February 1, 2010

It's Decided

University Life

It is decided
1st Choice: E0600
2nd Choice: E0601
3rd Choice: Y0600

This is a law foundation course at UiTM. I decided this would be my 1st choice because once ure done with the foundation, u can continue for degree either in UM, UKM, UUM or UiTM. So, Ill have options to choose from and this will be the best.

This is also a law foundation course at UiTM. This will be second course because once you finish the course, you will go for your dgree at UiTM. But only good results can study at the main campus which is at Shah Alam

Lastly, this is also a law foundation course but this one is at UIAM. Even though it will be easier to enter this place but Ill put it as 3rd choice because Im already use and familiar with UIAM, so there's not much of a new enviroment for me. Plus, I dont really like the Nilai campus.

These are my choices. So please SPM, Give me what I need! :D

Hoping and Praying....


aRiFF hAFIZi said...

dh boleh pilih dh ke harris?

lisa azelan said...

wow. how come u know a lot?
share share. haha

Harris said...

i buat research la. haha

Unknown said...

weh, come to utp la...

Harris said...

sori la bro. science aint my thing. UTP not 4 me. haha

hannan said...

nak tya....
klu sya nak tukar course lain bleh???
saya nak tukar dari E0601 ke E0600???
silap isi upu....
igtkan E0601 tue law kptm pya....
klu bleh sya nak sgt tukar....