Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A dream is a fantasy or a future reality?

A dream
I'm referring to the dream where people have when they sleep

I honestly don't know much about a dream
I'm sure there's science or explanation behind it

Lately, I've been experiencing weird dreams
Dreams related to people in my life

Some dreams are nice
But some dreams are plain weird

Some dreams I don't mind being real
But some, I hope will never happen

Is a dream a message from God?
Or is it truly just random?

Whatever it is, I hope my dreams won't get weirder
But then again, a dream is where the adventure is

So I guess, it's okay.
Let the dreams continue
Dreaming about more girls would be nice too ;)

"Now wait wait wait for me,
Please hang around,
I'll see you when I fall asleep"

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