Thursday, August 16, 2012


I'm not really in a good mood
I don't really know why (I'm lying, of cause I know why)

Anyways, while being enraged with anger,
something random popped up in my head

'The act or an instance of motivating, or providing with a reason to act in a certain way'

In life, what people need is motivation
Since life can be full of shit and life can be harsh where it pushes us down time and time again
We somehow need the comfort of other people motivating us

But the things is, as much as we want to be motivated,
We need to motivate others too

But in my case, as far as I can remember, it's the other way around
I play my role in helping my friends and motivating them (in the past)
But I never really got anything in return

I even motivated someone who was actually in an okay predicament,
Where-else I was in a very shitty situation at that time

So lately, I don't do much in terms of motivation
Faiz said that I've been harsh on the SDAR debaters
I didn't really motivate them

Well, that's the thing
I don't wanna motivate people much anymore

I live through life by accepting and embracing pain and happiness (if there's any)
I went through it by myself. I go through all the hardship by myself
I motivate myself (not in a dirty way, mind you)

I don't ask for people's pity or motivation
My life isn't really that wonderful, but it's fine and it will do

So if someone like me can do it.
Others can do it too

So, if I haven't been supportive lately,
Well, Man the fuck up. I'm not here to motivate

Just a random anger expression
I wish some of the things I said were lies

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